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FOSS Fundraising


Before I begin, I would like to clarify that, when I say Linux in this context I mean Desktop Linux.

When I started this whole Linux endeavor, I did not have money in mind. It all started back in 2020, when I fell in love with KDE Plasma while using the now infamous Manjaro Distrobution. Yes, this is when I got hooked to Linux. Now don't get me wrong, I have since tried many DEs and WMs. But alas only KDE Plasma answered my needs.

Since then I started getting the urge to build my own Distro my way. With everything I wanted out the box. At first it was hard, real hard. I couldn't find an easy way to do it. That's until I stumbled upon a project we all know and love called ArcoLinux. Yep, they are all about learning and becoming self-reliant. Especially that it was based on my favorite builder Distro ArchLinux.


Now we get to the meat and potatoes of this post, why ask for money when it's FOSS ? Well in case you did not know, the Free in Free Open Source does NOT mean free of charcge, instead it means Freedom to fork and do with what you want. So us Developers have all the right in the word to charge for our time. Read that again, charge for our TIME.

Many of us are just contributers, contributing much of our free time, constantly giving without asking for anything in return. Which means no R.O.I (return on time invested). Some, not many, with a real job can do that for a long time, with the rest of us without one, or having difficulties IRL, use the knowledge and creations as a sole means of survival. Especially as a single individual.

Now, I do agree with you when you say, we shouldn't force you to pay. That's why we use the Fundraising or Donation methods. While we do not force you, it would be great if you did. Would help both of us. You get a useful product while we are able to survive to give you more. A Win-Win scenario. So if you feel like helping me out financially, you can do so via the Donate button in the menu up top or on the side if you are on mobile, or via button below. Thanks ;)

Hate in FOSS

Now let's address the other elephant in the room, the hate in the FOSS community. I see a lot of Devs out there, including myself receiving hate, for that reason. Simply because of the misinterpretation of the word Free in Free Open Source. That should stop. We need a more collaborative community. There are tons of friendly ones out there, but equally there are plenty who build projects for the sake of showing off how much they despise others, the ones we call Protest Distros. Now am not going to name any names here, but the longer this goes on, the slower Linux will grow.

So if you love Linux as much as you say you do, please help your favorite projects grow in any way shape or form, either Donating for financial support if you can and are not a developer, or by simply Reporting Issues upstream helping them get better. Complaining for the sake of it, or hating will go nowhere.

Anyways, thanks for reading this. If you want to discuss the matter, you can Toot me on Fosstodon or by joining me on my Discord Server.

See ya there