Current Situation


Situation in Lebanon has escalatated to a ptotential war. If you’re able and willing to contribute, your help could make a real difference. No amount is too small, and every bit helps in these uncertain times.

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Hello everyone,

It's one of those times where words fall short. The past few days have been incredibly difficult for us here in Lebanon, and it feels like things are only getting worse, spiraling out of control. Close friends, people I’ve known for years, have been injured, and some have even been forced to flee their homes. We’re now living in a reality where technology, something we all rely on daily, has become a source of fear. Can you imagine? Tech warfare? Exploding pagers and phones? It’s something straight out of a dystopian novel, but it's happening right here, right now.

We are terrified to carry even the most basic tech devices, and it's surreal to say the least.

For the first time in my life, I genuinely don’t know what to do. Should I flee? Should I stay? Do I hide and pray it doesn’t get worse? I’ve been praying for things to calm down for over a year now, ever since the violence in the south started, but each day feels heavier, as if we’re on the edge of something catastrophic.

Your help and support would be, potentially life saving !