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Plans for other spins


Many Distribution offer various spins, each with a different DE or WM these days, offering choices. It would be great if XeroLinux did the same, I was once asked. For example Cosmic, Hyprland, XFCE and so on.

It's Complicated

As awesome as that would be, I simply cannot take on this amount of work as a single person. As a team, however, with each member responsible for a spin, I could see that happening, why not ?

But the sad truth is, I have tried many times in the past, to get a few people on board, to no avail. I couldn't find anyone with whom I could agree with when it came to the whole ideology behind XeroLinux. Every single person I tried had a different vision, which caused a lot of arguments back and forth. We couldn't agree on a single goal.

That makes it very hard for me to take on such a monumental task of maintaining the various spins, making sure they all function properly, while at the same time providing the level of support that would be expected of me, especially that the Distro is not possible to get for Free right now.

I am so sorry for that. Unless people step up to help bring the spins to life, maitaining them, while providing support for them, leaving the KDE version to me, there's not much I can do. I hope you understand.

The Good News

There is some good news however. Yep, no bad news comes without good to balance things out. While no ISOs will be created, there will be scripts for various DEs and WMs in the future. Just like the Cosmic and Plasma ones.

I love creating scripts. And I believe that going the script route offers a little more freedom, if you catch my drift. I will also try my best to take any suggestions you might have to make them better. Did I mention that they will always be available free of charge, unlike the ISO ? Yep, never will I charge a penny for those.

Some of you might be asking, What's the catch? Well, technically there isn't one. What I mean by that is, while the ISO makes everything much easier, the scripts will require the use of ArchInstall to get a minimal system set up, after which you will be able to run my scripts.

That's it really. That's why I chose Arch. It gives me the freedom to do all that for you. I love it and I do not think I will ever stop using it. It's been my home for past 7 years, I feel most comfortable there.

The Future

In closing, I would like to give you a sneak peak at what the future holds. I am thinking, once I have enough Install Scripts, why not combine them all into a single easy to use Mega Script of sorts, which will prompt you, once executed, which DE or WM you want to install, then proceed with chosen one ?

That idea has been cooking in my head for quite a while. Please do let me know what you think. You know where to find me. We just have to wait until I have more than 2 choices. What am thinking of adding are, HyprLand, Gnome and maybe DWM or BSPWM I dunno yet. Don't hold me on that though, please, just ideas for now.

Thank you to each and everyone for the support.