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XeroLinux Channel

YouTube Channel ?

Lol, yeah I know, it such a small one almost no one knows about it. What I first started it, I thought so many people making tons of money, why shouldn't I ? Well, it took me so long to get monetization abilites, and when I did I was like, Nice!.

But as time went by it became more and more difficult to come up with new ideas to keep it interesting. So I gave up for a while. Then, after 6 to 8 months I came back, rest is history.

What now Xero ?

Hehe, I do not know to be perfectly honest. Am not getting enough views, and my Live Streams are only getting 6 to 8 participants. Also the ideas, quality, and equipment not being available to continue. There's also the fact that there's no point of monetizing my content since YouTube and my Bank, the only one I can use are not talking to each other, without any way for me to fix that. All these issues piling up.

What's the Catch ?

This comes with a caveat, since I won't be making any money there, due to the mentioned issue, I will instead have no choice but to rely on the XeroLinux Ko-Fi fundraiser for the forseeable future.

Why there ? Err, coz that's the only service that has no issues with my bank. Simple as that. I hope you understand my situation here. As I mentioned on a previous post, you are not obligated to donate, however would be highly appreciated if you do.

Future Plans

When it comes to plans for the channel from this point on, simple, I will be using it as a tool. What I mean by that is, I will be publishing videos only when I feel the situation needs it, for example if I feel a guide I want to put out cannot be done in writing. Or when I need to show off a tool/script am working on. You get the idea.

Bottom line is, my channel is nothing but a tool, not a way to monetize anymore. I hope I don't lose you as a subscriber because of this. However, it's fine if you feel the need to leave, no harm no foul.

Anyways, thanks again for reading this. If you want to discuss the matter, you can Toot me on Fosstodon or by joining me on my Discord Server.