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Why Revive XeroLinux


This post will explain why I decided to bring back XeroLinux and how you can get your hands on it. All I ask is for you to read the entire post to understand why it is the way it is. I hope this post clarifies my situation. If you grabbed a copy, find out how to install it via the XeroLinux Wiki

What is XeroLinux¶

In short, it's just an alternative to the Plasma Install Script, making it easier to install Arch, bypassing the need for ArchInstall. The ISO includes my toolkit as well as my famous Xero Layan Rice all-in-one shot.

You can use the included Xero Toolkit, 1st icon with my logo in the Dock, to configure it, keeping in mind that some of the features were already applied to the ISO. I have also taken the liberty of including the Chaotic-AUR repository so it's easier for you to install AUR packages rather from having to compile them.

Why is XeroLinux back¶

To explain why, let me set the stage. As you may already know, I’m going through significant financial difficulties. Living in Lebanon, finding a job—especially a remote one—is extremely challenging, and the situation continues to worsen. I won’t rehash the entire story here, but if you’re not familiar, you can read more about it in this BlogPost.

After giving it a lot of thought, I realized how much I truly enjoy Linux. With bills to pay and my distro’s code still sitting on GitHub, it just makes sense. Many of you have been asking me to bring it back since I pulled the plug months ago, so why not use this opportunity to revive it—and make it a way to sustain myself?

Not to mention that I've been running it on my own this whole time, and maintaining the ISO was a blast. I've been itching to bring it back, especially since it was rapidly climbing the DistroWatch rankings as a popular distro. Seeing how much you all loved it made me feel guilty for taking something great away from you. Thanks for making it feel so special!

That answers the why.

How to get it¶

I've decided to put the distro behind a donation wall. By supporting me financially, you'll gain access to the XeroLinux ISO—a true win-win. Your support helps me keep going, and you get something valuable in return. For more details, check out the Release Post

Now, I know that some of you will say, "But it's FOSS; you shouldn't charge for it." To which I will say the same thing I have been saying for a long time: the Free in Free Open Source does NOT mean free of charge; it just means Freedom to fork the Source Code and do with it as you wish. I am simply charging for my time.

The distro will be continuously updated to ensure it works seamlessly and will stay alive as long as I have your support. If support ever dries up… well, let's not dwell on that. Let’s focus on keeping it alive and thriving for a long and happy journey together!

Is it any Special¶

This is a common question I get. To be honest, there’s no groundbreaking advantage—it simply provides an easier way to install Arch with a polished KDE experience right out of the box, which many users seem to appreciate. I created it specifically for them, as an alternative to my DIY install script, and as a way for you to support my journey.

Users are free to prefer any other distro over mine. I am not and will never force it. Also, I have never pretended that XeroLinux is better than any other distro. It's never been a competition, and I would hate for people to think it was. I hope this clarifies things.

How to get it for free¶

If you can’t support me financially but still want XeroLinux, while the ISO isn't available for free right now, you can still achieve similar results with my PlasmaInstall script, which will always be free of charge. It just requires a bit more elbow grease on your part—that’s all there is to it!

I don't like Arch¶

In case you don't like Arch for whatever reason, but still want to support me, I have put up a Merch Store where you will be able to buy something you like. Not much there yet, will have many more items in the near future. It's just there as an alternative way for you to help out.

Private Donations¶

Did you know I have a private fundraiser account? It’s been around forever! If you'd like to support me directly with things like rent and general wellbeing, you can do so at FundRazr.

Currently, all funds raised from the ISO are split into two categories: private and project. About 60% goes toward improving XeroLinux, covering costs like hosting, domains, and other essentials. The remaining 40% helps me with personal expenses like health, phone bills, etc., mainly because my other account hasn’t been getting much support. Ideally, I’d love to keep these funds separate, but ultimately, it’s your choice.

Wrapping up¶

That's it, now you know the why and the how. So let's keep the distro alive. Keep sharing it and the store with others. I try to be as honest and open about everything. I got nothing to hide.

Thank you to each and everyone for the support.